Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

Space Scheme 1




Adjacency Diagram revised

This is the Final and revised Adjacency diagram for the transfer station/mini-hub, showing places where the public (first half) and staff (bottom half) interact with themselves and each other.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trolly Addition

The most important form of transportation that will take part in this hub is the connection to the San Diego Trolley Line, expanding a line off from the Beyer Station, following the 5 freeway north to the 905 freeway east, making stops at Ocean View Hills Parkway, and another at Brown Field, before heading south to the proposed site, where the line would terminate. This would provide a much needed connection between airports and the trolley system, which is the 5th most traveled light rail system in the United States, as well as provide for future city expansion.


About Me

Student at NewSchool of Architecture & Design