Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Post

So here's the basic gist of the subject at hand (From my proposal):

San Diego and Tijuana are two different sides of the same piece, a twin city separated by a political and social border. The construction of civic buildings, or other buildings that are used by the public, would, therefore be beneficial for both sides of a border, not only from a monetary perspective due to the shared space, but from a social advancement and communication perspective. Such a project would increase the quality of communication between the two sides, and help to further progress the elements necessary in or to continue a healthy inter-border relationship.

All this said, the project's main focus is on a international airport to be placed on the border of Tijuana and Mexico, somewhere which would promote the importance of transportation connections, as well as be close enough to the urban centers to not become an island, cut off from everything else.

The San Diego side leaves plenty of room open for reclaiming for an airport, as the border is pretty much shunned from this side. The problem then comes from the other side; Tijuana is quite built up against the border with all manner of different structures through the whole valley until you hit the mountains as you move closer to Tecate, making reclaiming land for an airport quite difficult without demolition.

One of the options is to improve upon the current Tijuana airport, expanding it with land obtained from the other side of the border in order to create the site for the new airport, this would be a good choice to represent the direct-recycling mentality of Tijuana.

This is the current site I'm planning on, more updates as it progresses.

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About Me

Student at NewSchool of Architecture & Design